Thursday, October 1, 2009

Curse you McDonalds french fries!

Not in any way referencing the massive calories here. Last night was the first night we had McDonalds since Rocky passed away last week. You could not bring the french fries into the house without Rocky following you around or sitting at your feet just staring at you until you gave him a few. Something in those fries excited that old boy like nothing else! So, needless to say, it was a little melancholy last night when I ate my fries with nobody begging for them, nobody trying to steal them, nobody mercilessly eyeing you until you gave in. I don't think McDonalds will ever taste the same to me.

While I'm on the subject of McDonalds and since I brought up calories. I just wanted to add it isn't the french fry that kills you- it's adding that Big Mac and Coke on top of it. I get irritated when people make fun of people who eat their burger and fries with a Diet Coke. Those people are saving at least 200 calories. What is wrong with that? If you're going to eat McDonalds, do you have to be subjected to some rule that says if you're consuming 1200 calories- don't be a hypocrite and add the Coke as well. I applaud those who take the initiative to save a few calories. Heck, they even have iced tea now for those who have issues with fake sugar (totally different topic and one I don't have a strong opinion about). Just skip the mounds of sugar when you get the tea- or suck it up and get the Coke.


  1. And you can have a small fry & a hamburger with a diet coke & not really have a bunch of calories.

    You can always get another beggar!

  2. McDonald's fries are the best especially when super hot:) I try to stick to a cheeseburger, small fries, and D.Coke. Just enough to satisfy that craving w/o killing your whole days calories. Plus if you're talking, chasing the kids, and telling them to eat it makes me eat slower and give my food more time to set in so I'm not eating more and more.
